Soul Strong

Temple Beth El Healing Service, Yom Kippur 5784/2023 Thank you Rabbi Knight, Rabbi Erdheim, Rabbi Nichols, Cantor Roskin, and Cantor Thomas for these beautiful services.  Thank you for your stellar…

Interfaith Healing

This sermon was delivered at Grace Baptist Church in Statesville, North Carolina, on Sunday, August 28, 2023. Psalm 133 says, “Hinei mah tov u-mah naim shevet achim gam yachad, behold…


This was shared as a reflection at our Queens University College of Arts and Sciences faculty meeting in August 2023.  Kindness in English, chesed in Hebrew, is a concept that…

The Yahrziet of Miriam, the Prophetess

This Dvar Torah was delivered at Adugas Israel in Hunterville for their Women of Valor Shabbat on June 30, 2023. At that moment of freedom, immediately after Moses and the…

Justice, justice you shall pursue for all

This benediction was written for the ribbon cutting at the New Charlotte U.S. Courthouse Annex and Charles R. Jonas Federal Building Renovation on May 19, 2023. It is an honor…